
EGA Institute for Women's Health


Episode 4: Gene Therapy Part 2: Applications



Hosted by Olivia Moir, Episode 4 explores more about Gene Therapy. You might have already listened to our first episode on this, which featured Professor Simon Waddington who gave us a broad introduction to this field – and if you haven’t, then do check that episode out first as well! This episode we continue that discussion with another wonderful guest, Dr Rajvinder Karda. Dr Karda is both a researcher and professor here at the IfWH, with her role as an Associate Professor of Gene Therapy, as well as leading a team of research focussing on developing pre-clinical gene therapy and RNA editing treatments for childhood epilepsy, including Dravet Syndrome. Today’s episode is going to dive more into her work on this, and the applications of gene therapy in treating non-heritable genetic diseases.   

About the Guest 


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Joining Olivia for this discussion is the lovely Dr Rajvinder Karda, who is an Associate Professor In Gene Therapy at the Institute for Women’s Health (IfWH), UCL.

She completed her PhD in Gene Transfer and Neuroscience at Imperial College London in 2016 and currently leads a research team at the IfWH focussing mainly on developing pre-clinical gene therapy and RNA editing treatments for childhood epilepsy, including Dravet Syndrome. 

To learn more about her work, visit her page




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