UCL Resources

Advancing Race Equality Toolkit
The UCL EDI Team have developed the Advancing Race Equality Toolkit which contains initiatives to address student attainment and staff progression.
Deans Pledge to further Race Equality at UCL
UCL's most senior people managers have come up with plans to tackle race inequality at the university.
This forum is for networking, peer support, sharing ideas and articles of interest, forging scholarly connections and collaborations, organising formal and social events, and positively influencing policy and practice on race equality at UCL. The group networks through academic and social events. There is also an email group for group members to communicate virtually and share information about BME-related publications, events and news stories.
News and Events
Race Equality Implementation Group: Interim Report - This report, sets out the priorities and actions for the next 12-18 months and beyond that REIG believes will make a significant contribution to addressing the systemic and structural barriers to race equity at UCL.