Getting your A Level results today? Use this guide to help organise your day and access the support you need.

What to do on the day
Got your results?
The first thing you need to do is collect your results from your school or college. Whatever happens with your results, you should be proud of the work you've put in and for completing one of the most difficult stages of your education!
Stick together
Results day can be a stressful experience. It is easy to get overwhelmed, so make sure you have the support you need and try to provide similar support to those who need it.
Check out this guide for advice and support.
Applying to university?
If you are applying to university, then you can log in to UCAS Track here to check whether you've got your university place.
Got the grades?
Congratulations! Your university will have confirmed this decision via UCAS Track.
If it's not clear on UCAS Track, then give the university a call – they may be missing some information they need to confirm your offer. If you are happy with your Firm or Insurance choice, you don’t need to do anything, other than sort out Student Finance, if you haven’t done so already.
UCAS has provided a checklist for preparing for university life, which can be accessed here. UCL also has its own information on all things university and general student life here.
Didn't get the grades you needed?
First of all, check UCAS Track to find out if your university was able to accept you to your course or make you an alternative offer for a similar subject.
If you were unsuccessful and you are unhappy with your grades, then you can seek support from your school or college to appeal to the exam board about any mitigating circumstances or remarks.
The university you applied to may have a deadline to receive new grades, so check this with them. For example, if your exams are remarked and your new grades meet the conditions of your UCL offer, then you need to let us know and send us proof of your new grades by 5.00pm on 31 August 2024.
You can also look for an alternative course through UCAS Clearing or Clearing Plus.
Thousands of students apply through clearing to universities across the country every year so this could be the beginning of your university journey.
Not applying to university?
Alternatives to university
There are many alternatives to university if you decide Higher Education is not for you. UCAS has produced this helpful resource page outlining some of the options available to you.
Returning to education
University is not just for school leavers – an increasing proportion of both undergraduate and postgraduate students are beginning their higher education journeys later in life. To find out more, visit UCL's Mature Students page.