Urban Laboratory launches Urban Pamphleteer #5: Global Education for Urban Futures
17 September 2015

Urban Pamphleteer #5: Global Education for Urban Futures is now available to read online, simultaneously released with the print edition during a launch at The Bartlett, UCL, on 17 September 2015 as part of the programme for the Urban Lab+ Symposium.
This issue features projects that document, contextualise and comment on existing pedagogies and teaching, as well as critiques of existing models, and suggestions of future challenges and opportunities. It highlights innovative, critical and speculative pedagogies that are inter- and trans-disciplinary, practice-oriented, and comparative; and which help to facilitate international collaboration through visual methods and digital platforms.
The highly international issue includes contributors from: Abhijit Ekbote, Asli Duru, Olivia Bina, Josefine Fokdal, Luis Balula & Marta Varanda, Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani & Shana Agid, Renato D'Alençon Catrillón, Maria Augusta Hermida, Daniele Konrad & Kris W. B. Scheerlinck, Nancy Couling, Paola Cannavò, Silvia Paldino, Alexandra Middea, Shweta Wagh, Sonal Sunderarajan, Rupali Gupte, Kirsten Doermann & Solam Mkhabela, Mika Savela & Mo Kar Him, Gretchen Wilkins & Ian Nazareth, Christian Iaione, Miriam Pinto, Adriana Allen, Camillo Boano, Alexandre Apsan Frediani, Caren Levy, Barbara Lipietz, Rita Lambert, Giovanna Astolfo, Giorgio Talocci, Beatrice De Carli, Ben Campkin, Neil Klug, Andrew Harris and Johannes Novy.
Global Education for Urban Futures is guest edited by Paola Alfaro d'Alençon (Technische Universität Berlin), Ben Campkin (University College London), Rupali Gupte (Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute, Mumbai), Solam Mkhabela (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), Johannes Novy (Technische Universität Berlin), and Mika Savela (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), with editorial assistance from Jordan Rowe.
Urban Pamphleteer is a series of publications that confront key contemporary urban questions from diverse perspectives. Written in a direct and accessible tone, these pamphlets draw on the history of radical pamphleteering as a tool for instigating change. Issues 1, 2, 3, and 4 on topics ranging from 'smart' cities, regeneration, urban design and heritage in Doha, are available to read online.
Urban Pamphleteer is designed by Guglielmo Rossi. The series editors are Ben Campkin and Rebecca Ross (University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins).
Urban Pamphleteer #5 has been supported by the UCL Grand Challenge of Sustainable Cities and the Urban Lab+ International Network of Urban Laboratories (Erasmus Mundus Programme Action 3).
Contact Jordan Rowe urbanlaboratory@ucl.ac.uk for print copies of Urban Pamphleteer.