Queer Zoo
12 December 2014, 6:30 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Grant Museum of Zoology, 21 University Street, London WC1E 6DE
An evening of performances, readings, interventions and provocations by artists and academics on naming and taxonomy.
The starting point for this event is the way in which LGBTQ people self-classify and order themselves into types, or are named by others. Queer Zoo will pay attention to the history and current influence of such labels. Through the frame of 'queer animality' and taxonomy, it will also stimulate broader thinking and discussion around the history and the development of categories of sexual orientation and gender identity/roles-'homosexual', 'LGBT', 'queer', 'dissident' etc.
Participants are invited to situate these terms and classification systems culturally and historically and to think about how they operate. How have they developed in relation, for example, to changing conceptions of nature, the body, citizenship, cultural and legal frameworks, societal values and pressures? As the inaugural event of the newly formed LGBTQ Research Network, Queer Zoo also offers a perfect opportunity to discuss and debate a name for the initiative.
Confirmed contributors include:
Oreet Ashery, Ginger Farbrother, Dr R. Justin Hunt, Dr Johanna Linsley, Dr Bob Mills, Regner Ramos, Olga Raciborska, Dr Sophie Robinson, Matt Smith, Jenkin Van Zyl.
Co-produced by Dr Ben Campkin (UCL Bartlett School of Architecture/Urban Laboratory), Dr R. Justin Hunt (Producer, I'm With You and NBR, Lecturer, Dance, University of Lincoln & Adjunct Professor of Sexuality Studies, Syracuse University, London) and Dean Veall (UCL Grant Museum). Organised and funded by UCL LGBTQ Research Network, The Grant Museum, UCL Urban Laboratory, UCL History of Art Department, UCL Office of the Vice Provost (Education), UCL LGBT+ Equalities Advisory Group
To register for this event email lgbtq-research@ucl.ac.uk. All welcome.