Cities Methodologies 2014: UCL Urban Laboratory Literary Fellow writing workshops
28 April 2014, 10:00 am–1:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Slade Research Centre, UCL, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0HB
critic and UCL Urban Laboratory Literary Fellow, Ian Thomson, will lead
an urban-themed writing workshop for UCL PhD and Masters students. Ian
will be reading new material from his work-in-progress book about the
Estonian capital of Tallinn during World War II, and afterwards
discussing representations of the city in literature in general.
Follow up writing tutorials will take place on Friday 2 May from 10am - 1pm. Students must be able to attend both days. Please note these workshops are for UCL students only. Limited places available, please sign up via Eventbrite.
Cities Methodologies is an ongoing programme of events and exhibitions dedicated to presenting, sharing and experimenting with new methods of urban research. You can see the other events lined up for the week here.
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Image: National Library of Estonia, Ian Thomson / Cardiff European Documentation Centre