The deadline for nominations to officer posts is 28 days before the AGM, which is the Thursday 30th May 2024, by close of business (17:00)

If you are interested in being nominated to a Branch Officer or Ordinary Committee Member position (see the list of available positions below), or would simply like more information on the roles, you can contact the Branch Secretary (Sean Wallis, ) or the Branch President (Saladin Meckled-Garica, ) for further information (or any of the current branch officers or EC members).
We strongly encourage members of the branch to put themselves forward for officer positions or ordinary member positions, to expand the base and diversity of people gaining experience in making our union work.
To submit a nomination for any branch officer or committee member positions you need to complete and submit this form. A copy of your form will be emailed to the Returning Officer (RO) for this election, Francois Guesnet. You will also receive a copy of your form via email along with further instructions to forward the email to the two members who are nominating you, so that they can forward the email to the RO in order to confirm their nomination (their emails will count as their ‘signature’ for the nomination).
The officer positions to be elected (click through for job descriptions) are:
- President
- Secretary
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Membership/Recruitment Secretary
- Case Work Secretary
- Communications Officer
- Equality Officer
- Anti-Casualisation Officer
- Health & Safety Officer
- Environment Officer
- Postgraduate Officer
- Pensions Officer
There are in addition up to 15 ordinary EC member places available.
If, by the time the deadline for nominations is reached, any of the officer positions are contested, the Returning Officer will inform those nominated, to confirm their nominations, and the Branch Administrator so that election statements may be circulated, and we will hold an electronic ballot of branch members to elect the contested positions.
If you have any concerns about election irregularities, please report these to the Returning Officer (Francois Guesnet, ).
UCL UCU Executive Committee
UCL UCU Branch Rules on the Executive Committee composition and the running of elections can be found in paragraphs 7 - 10.