UCL-UCU: *reminder* General Meeting today Thu 27 Jan, 1-2pm - staff/student solidarity motion
27 January 2022
This is a reminder for our General Meeting today, Thursday, 27 January, 1-2 pm.
The theme of this message, and the motion below in Appendix 1, is staff-student solidarity.
NUS Demo
The National Union of Students has called a national demonstration in London on March 2nd under the banner A New Vision for Education.
A motion in Appendix 1 below asks the branch to support that demonstration and to try to ensure we strike on that day (if we are in dispute and in a position to do so). We will take this motion at our General Meeting today.
Student Union Referendum
The UCL Student Union Referendum on whether the Student Union should support UCU strikes in 2021-22 has ended with a 3:2 vote in favour of supporting staff strikes (with a 5,000+ turnout).
This overturns a previous decision to oppose strikes made by Student Union officers rather than the students themselves. We place on record our thanks to UCL students, in particular to those student activists who made this result possible.
Solidarity Conference
On Saturday January 29th (12-3pm) there will be a Staff-Student Solidarity Conference hosted by the UCU Solidarity Movement. At our last General Meeting we voted to support this conference. More information is in Appendix 2.
Speakers include Vicky Blake (UCU President), Stephen Reicher (iSAGE, St Andrews), Goldsmiths UCU, RCA UCU, and Columbia University (NY) strikers. Click here to register for the Solidarity Conference on Zoom.
UCL UCU Executive Committee
Appendix 1: Motion - Solidarity with Students / NUS Demonstration
UCL UCU resolves to:
- send our thanks to the UCL Student Union for their referendum result.
- call on members to show their solidarity with students and mobilise to support the NUS Demonstration on March 2nd, 2022, under the banner ‘A New Vision for Education’.
- formally ask UCU Higher Education Committee Officers to agree that, if we are in a position to progress the Four Fights dispute with a strike, that UCU calls a strike day to coincide with this demonstration.
Appendix 2: UCU Solidarity Conference: Building the Action we Need to Win
Saturday 29 January 12 noon - 3pm
The format of Saturday’s Conference has been adjusted to reflect the urgent debates that need to happen in our union(s). UCU strikes in 58 universities mobilised before Xmas and 12 new branches have mandates for action. We had originally expected to be organising this conference on the eve of UK-wide strike action, however now the situation is more complex.
Come to the conference to debate the way forward.
12 - 1.30pm Session 1: Pay Justice, Pensions & Resisting Marketisation
Chair: Peta Bulmer (Liverpool University UCU)
Speakers: Vicky Blake (UCU President), Sky Morrison (Liverpool University student), Emma Rose (NEU NEC), Sara Bafo (Goldsmiths SU President), Akansha Mehta and Grace Will (Goldsmiths UCU), Stephen Reicher (University of St. Andrews and iSAGE), Cecilia Wee (RCA UCU)
1.30 - 3pm Session 2: Building Solidarity & Fighting Precarity
Chair: Nathan Francois (RCA UCU)
Speakers: Juliana Ojinnaka (Chair, UCU Black Members' Committee), Columbia University (USA) strikers, Rhian Keyse (UCU Anti-Casualisation Committee), Rania Obead (Sudanese Uprising Support Group), Organiser, students’ Red Square Movement, Sharifah Rahman (Leeds University student)
Hosted by the UCU Solidarity Movement.
Click here to register for the UCU Solidarity Conference.