Strike report - day 5 (Fri 29 Nov) + this week
1 December 2019
Day 5: brief report Picketing continued across the majority of central UCL sites, including some new sites where colleagues raised the profile of our campaigns very effectively. Indeed, we would observe that more pickets were out on Friday than previous days.
The prospect of the demonstration on Friday, which was open to students to participate in their own right, created an air of anticipation on Friday morning. Campus remains extremely quiet. Many departments continue to organise Teach-Outs that are proving popular with staff and students.
March for climate, pay and pensions
Over 2,000 union members and supporters from branches across London marched through Central London on Friday in solidarity with the school student climate action taking place the same day and in support of the UCU national disputes on pay and pensions. UCL students in the Climate Action Society and other groups participated enthusiastically.
Although dwarfed by our official eight-day strike, it is worth commending UCL for their invitation for staff to join climate protests for 30 minutes.
The march grew as it left Bloomsbury, picking up sizeable contingents from LSE and KCL en route to Parliament Square and a rally in Westminster Central Hall with UCU General Secretary Jo Grady, Frances O’Grady from the TUC, climate campaigners and trade union activists.
UCU strike action continues Monday - Wednesday
Our strike action continues from Monday through to Wednesday. Colleagues are once more encouraged to participate in picketing, starting at 08:00 (wrap-up warm and join us at the main Gower Street entrance), and the Teach-Outs organised centrally and at a departmental level. We will continue to organise Strike Committee meetings from 12:00-13:00 and Teach-Outs take place immediately after.
Day Six Teach-Out
Title: “Structural Domination In the Academy - Imagining an Alternative University”
Time: 13:00 (after the strike meeting).
Hear Alice Ella Finden and Abeera Khan (SOAS Preventing Prevent Working Group), Rachel Watters (NUS Women’s Officer), and Victoria Showumni (UCL) talk about how structural oppression manifests in the academy and how we can imagine alternatives. Organised by Sandy Ogundele, Students Union, UCL Black and Minority Ethnic Students' Officer.
Please note venues and speakers may change at the last minute.
As they become available we will be sharing details of departmental Teach-Outs on our website and on our social media channels (see below).
IWGB strike action this Wednesday - join UCU / IWGB rally
The IWGB is calling strike action on Wednesday for hundreds of security, porters and cleaning staff who are employed by outsourced companies at UCL. UCL management have this time been a bit more prepared and have warned that many more buildings will close - if they have not already been closed by our strikes.
We will be holding a solidarity rally with IWGB on Wednesday. Details TBC.
Day of action for disability equality in education - rally Wednesday
Wednesday 4 December is our day of action for disability equality in education.
There will be a London Region UCU rally at Hamilton House (the HQ of the National Education Union) at 13:00. Speakers TBC
UCL UCU Executive Committee