General Meeting announcement, Thursday 2 May 1pm
16 April 2019
UCL UCU will be holding a General Meeting open to all members on Thursday 2 May, 1 - 2pm
This is a calling notice for an UCL UCU General Meeting on Thursday 2 May, Christopher Ingold G21 Ramsay LT, 1-2pm, Chemistry Building.
Please put this date in your diary. This meeting is open to all members.
Items to discuss at the meeting:
- The USS dispute: USS is threatening us with much higher contributions (equivalent to a 3.4% pay cut) and large payments from our employers. Although talks continue to avert a crisis, all USS members have been paying 8.8% (10% more) into our pension. The root of the dispute remains the same - the ideological obsession with unnecessary 'de-risking' of USS by the Board.
- Employers' latest pay offer: The Employers Association (UCEA) has made another miserable offer: 1.5% to UCU grades, with no action on equal pay, casualisation or workload. Meanwhile RPI is running at 2.5% and CPI 1.8%.
- Amendments to motions for the annual UCU Congress (to be held in Harrogate from Saturday 25 May to Monday 27 May). For information about amendments please see
- Matters of local concern: a) TOPS b) and the victimisation of UCU Branch Secretary Tony Brown (please sign the petition in his support if you have not done so already).
Further details to follow soon.
We would like to take the opportunity of wishing colleagues a well-deserved break over the holiday period.