Strike for USS - strikes are on! Plus EGM report-back, lobby of ACAS talks & notice of next meeting
2 March 2018
Monday 5 March sees the resumption of our strike action with strikes continuing through Thursday 8 March inclusive (and, if necessary, for the following week).
Please join our picketing from 07:30 at the Quad entrance on Gower Street. The forecast is for warmer weather next week but it will be very cold in the mornings so please wrap-up warm.
At a very well attended meeting yesterday members discussed their experience of the strike. The mood was positive but determined to see the dispute through to a negotiated agreement. We debated two motions (appendices 1 & 2 below). Motion 1 was defeated (no votes for and six abstentions). Motion 2 was passed unanimously, nem con.
Also on Monday there will be a lobby of the UCU / UUK talks facilitated by ACAS from 8.30am, at RIBA HQ, 66 Portland Place. The aim of the lobby is to support our negotiators and remind all parties that there is no pension deficit!
We need to prioritise picketing UCL, so we will arrange for a delegation to visit on the day. But if you can make it in to Central London early on Monday, you could go straight there.
We have scheduled a further formal EGM meeting next week, Friday 9 March to consider the progress of the dispute, 13:00-14:00, venue TBC.
Please keep your non-union colleagues updated, encourage them to join in the action and of course to join UCU.
Keep up-to-date by following us on twitter @UCL_UCU and Facebook. You can also see details of the teach-outs that are happening during the strike on our Facebook page.
Appendix 1 - first motion discussed at 1 March UCL UCU EGM
Suspend the strike while new negotiations between UCU and UUK with ACAS are underway.
Appendix 2 - second motion discussed at 1 March UCL UCU EGM
UCL UCU congratulates UCU national officers, staff and the thousands of reps and members who made our first five days of strikes such a success.
UCL UCU believes the union's campaign has fundamentally undermined the employers arguments for the attack on USS.
UCL UCU therefore resolves to continue the present strike programme and believes that we need to announce plans to escalate our industrial action if no settlement is reached.
UCL UCU confirms that there is no deficit. With the employers arguments collapsing, our negotiators must demand that the status quo prevails.