Formal calling notice for UCL UCU Annual General Meeting - Thu 7 June, 12:30-14:00, The 52 Club
4 June 2018

A buffet and refreshments will be provided from 12:30. This is an excellent opportunity to meet UCU colleagues from across UCL, discuss events over the preceding year and plan for forthcoming challenges.
Please e-mail if you would be interested in being nominated for election to a Branch Officer position or the UCL UCU Executive Committee (EC) or would like to propose a motion to the meeting. We are particularly keen to retain the gender and ethnicity balance of the EC so especially welcome nominations of women and BAME members.
If you are interested in finding out about being a Department Representative but are unsure what would be involved please come along at 12:30 to have an informal discussion with members of the EC before the formal meeting.
2018 Annual General Meeting Agenda
- Chair's Business.
- Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting on 7 June 2017.
- Matters Arising.
- To receive the President's Annual Report.
- Accounts for year ending 31 August 2017.
- Subscriptions for 2018-2019.
- Elections - to note any nominations received before the meeting and to consider any additional nominations.
- Formal adoption of model local rules
- Motions for debate: TBC