


Your pension under attack - Q&A with UCU National Pension Officer, Tue 12 Dec

7 December 2017

We wrote recently to members to warn of "a new and devastating attack on our USS pensions". We promised further updates. 

The shadow Education Secretary has recently expressed support for us: https://www.ucu.org.uk/rayner-uss-solidarity

The National Union of Students too has now thrown its support behind UCU: https://www.ucu.org.uk/article/9104/National-Union-of-Students-calls-for-negotiations-in-USS-pensions-dispute

Have you voted yet?

If your ballot paper hasn't yet arrived, please request it at once from: https://www.ucu.org.uk/ussballotrequest

Remember, your union is recommending you vote YES to strike action and YES to action short of a strike. Please mark a cross in both YES boxes [X]. 

UCL UCU is calling an open meeting for members and non-members on Tuesday 12 December, 1-2pm, in the Ramsay LT, Christopher Ingold building.

The UCU's national pensions officer, Christine Haswell will be leading the discussion and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. The meeting will also be an opportunity for colleagues to collect posters and leaflets to help publicise our campaign. 

 Do come along, bring your colleagues and encourage them to join the UCU. If you have any queries please let the pension officer know. We will be in touch again. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at 1pm in Ramsay LT.