The academic staff of the observatory are actively publishing science as well as teaching it. Below is a list of links to selected publications.
Dr Francisco Diego
- ADS refereed publications list
- SECIS: The Solar Eclipse Coronal Eclipse Imaging System
- Interstellar Na I and Ca II K toward the High Galactic Latitude Star HD 28497
- Active compensation of flexure on the WHT ISIS spectrograph
- The Indian eclipse, 1995
- Interstellar NaI and CaII towards the high galactic latitude star HD 28497
- The Interstellar Li Isotope Ratio Toward zeta Oph
- First results from the UHRF: atomic interstellar lines towards zeta Ophiuchi
Dr Steve Fossey
- ADS refereed publications list
- Time-variable lines-of-sight and a search for very small-scale-structure in the ISM
- Molecular rotational contour fitting of diffuse interstellar bands
- Of-type stars HD 16691 and HD 190429 show WN-like spectra in infrared K band
- CH+ in the Red Rectangle
- Red Rectangle emission
- A Survey of the Yellow / Red Interstellar Diffuse Spectrum Lines
- The star of Bethlehem
Dr Mike Dworetsky
- ADS refereed publications list
- Radiative accelerations on Ne in the atmospheres of late B stars
- Neon abundances in late-B normal and mercury-manganese stars
- Manganese abundances in mercury-manganese stars
- The gallium problem in HgMn stars
- Mercury and platinum abundances in mercury-manganese stars
- The helium abundances in HgMn and normal stars,
Prof. Ian Howarth
Dr. Giorgio Savini
- ADS Publication list (minus a few papers on graphene from a homonymous scientist).