Galaxies and nebulae: images obtained mainly with the C14 telescopes at UCLO, often in robotic mode by undergraduate students. M1 (the Crab Nebula) BobWinter+Dominic Reeve, C14+SBIG 630360m total integration through L, H-alpha, and OIII filters, 2011/11/27 Horsehead Nebula; Bob Winter + Sandor Kruk, C14+SBIG6303 [2-frame mosaic of luminance, H-alpha, and OIII, total 126min; rotated] IC 443, the 'jellyfish nebula' (a supernova remnant) imaged in H-alpha. Observations by undergraduate students Julia Bliss and Sandor Kruk; mosaic of 3 fields constructed by Julia. IC 1396, the 'Elephant Trunk' Bob Winter; H-alpha + OIII IC 5070, the 'pelican nebula'; detail showing dust lane C14 in semi-automated mode M1 (the Crab Nebula) BobWinter+Dominic Reeve, C14+SBIG 6303 - 60m total integration through L, H-alpha, and OIII filters, 2011/11/27 M3 redux - undergrads/idh M13 LRGB M27 Ha+OIII Marco R's version M27 Ha+OIII redux 2013/5 M27, The Dumbbell Nebula C14, SBIG STL 6303 LRGB: Ha, 31min, Olll 27 min, April 2013. M27, the Dumbbell Nebula Marco Rocchetto, H-alpha+OIII C14 in semi-robotic mode, 2011 Dec M31, SJF, C14 2010 Sept 14, R, 30m Hubble's first extragalactic cepheid - "var!" M31, 2013 Sept 29, Hubble's V1 field (C14, 60m L) M31, 2010 Sept 14, SJF Hubble's V1 at R=19 (near minimum) M32, RGB (3x12min) Thomas Hall + Marco Rocchetto C14 semi-automatic mode M42 Marco's version Ha (1.3h), O III (0.5h), Red (0.3h) M42; H-alpha + OIII undegrads/idh M42; H-alpha + OIII undegrads/bobw Supernova SN2011dh in M51 Bob Winter + Sandor Kruk, 2011/6/7 M57, the 'Ring Nebula' Year 2 certificate class H-alpha (L&R channels), OIII (R&G), 15m each Messier 65, showing supernova SN2013am (2013 April) Messier 65, showing supernova SN2013am (2013 April) M65, showing Supernova 2013am (2013 April 19-21, LRGB 86:42:24:42 min) Messier 81 composite from robotic images obtained by UCLO students; composite by Ian Howarth Messier 82 robotic image (LRGB: Bob Winter and Ian Howarth) SN2014J and Messier 82 (2014 Jan 23, Steve Fossey and Ian Howarth) SN2014J and Messier 82 (2014 Jan 23, Steve Fossey and Ian Howarth) M95, with Supernova 2012aw, 2012 March 21. C14 + SBIG 6303 Camera LRBG, total exposure 100min. Marco Rocchetto, Bob Winter. M101 2013 redux M106 redux M106; 29/04/13, bobw C14, SBIG STL6303 LRBG, 69 min. M108 2012/3/19, Steve Fossey+Bob Winter - C14, SBIG 6303, LHaRGB, 180m total exp. NGC 891 LRGB, Ian Howarth roboC14, 18/11/2012 NGC 1893/IC 410, 'Tadpole' Nebula in Auriga Ha 40 min, Olll 45 min, Bob Winter, 12/12/2012 NGC 3628, an edge-on spiral galaxy - Bob Winter & Steve Fossey NGC 4565 idh/roboscope/llrgb NGC 4449 LRGB + Halpha - redux 2013 April NGC 5906 Galaxy in Draco C14/SBIG STL 6303/2013-5-15 LRBG by bobw NGC 6888, a wind-blown nebula Marco Rocchetto; C14 Halpha (L & R channels), OIII (B&G), 20m each NGC 6946 redux LRBG+H-alpha Supernova SN2011dh in M51 Bob Winter + Sandor Kruk, 2011/6/7