
UCL East


H is for Hostile Environment Exhibition

27 June 2024–09 August 2024, 10:00 am–6:00 pm

Image of a man looking towards the London skyline

Our latest exhibition turns the lens on the hostile environment policy.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Matilda Blackwell – UCL East Cultural and Community Engagement


First Floor Galleries
7 Sidings Street
E20 2AE
United Kingdom

Our latest exhibition H is for Hostile Environment explores the hostile environment policy, a collection of government policies which aimed to co-opt large parts of UK society into policing the UK’s borders – from doctors to landlords, employers, homeless services and more.

The exhibition features a film by Edwin Mingard and Keren Weitzberg, who conceived of the moving-image piece exploring migration and asylum seeking in east london as part of Trellis - a programme that cultivates opportunities for collaboration between artists, UCL researchers and east London communities. They saw it as a chance to work in a mutual way with partners whose lives and work had been shaped by the UK’s border regime, providing a platform to tell a story with multiple voices and narratives.

All of the artworks in the exhibition have been co-produced in close dialogue and collaboration with those who have first-hand experience of migration as well as those who are actively challenging the Home Office’s draconian and surveillance-intensive policies.

Migrants, asylum seekers, and their advocates are envisioning alternative futures for Britain, actively wrestling with the hostile environment policy, and trying to find more just, if messy, answers to the question of who is welcome.

Open daily 10am-6pm.

Events programme:

Late night openings - every Wednesday 6-8pm. Book your free ticket.

Launch event - Thursday 25th July 6-9pm. Book your free ticket.