December 2017
We developed this report in response to upheaval in the transport sector combined with concerns among the UCL community about the future of transport research. (please note that the links to download the PDF do not seem to work with the internet explorer browser).
The report investigates the current landscape for transport research and funding in the UK, arguing that transport research came to a crossroads in 2017, undergoing something of a paradigm shift from 'transport' to 'infrastructure.'
Is a paradigm shift good, or not? The report draws on interviews and reviews with 22 stakeholders who conduct, commission, or fund research from 12 different institutions. In analysing the positioning and context for academic transport research, we reflect and make four recommendations.
At the broadest level, we recommend that the research community come together to assess research needs and the paradigm for academic transportation research. A part of this process will be anticipation of the end of EPSRC's current three-year delivery arc in 2019. This assessment process should lead to enhancing the research environment for delivering positive transport knowledge that supports wellbeing.
If, upon reviewing the report, you are interested in joining the implementation of these recommendations, please get in touch with the TI's Deputy Director, Ann Thorpe (ann.thorpe 'at'