We organised a series of policy seminars in 2013 and 2014 on transport-relevant research themes. Funded by EPSRC under its Impact Acceleration Award, the seminars were planned in conjunction with major stakeholders such as the Department for Transport and Transport for London, and were designed to enable the uptake of the latest academic findings by the policy community. Below are briefing notes setting out key findings.
- Transforming Transport Research into Policy and Practice - summary of key findings
- Future of the High Street, September 2014
- Global Drivers Affecting Future UK Investment Decisions, July 2014
- Shipping in Changing Climates, May 2014
- Transport, Streets and Crime, May 2014
- Liveable Cities: A Transport Perspective, March 2014
- Roads to a Carbon Free Transport, November 2013
- Access For All Recent Research Insights, October 2013
- Linking Transport, Health and Wellbeing, September 2013