
UCL Therapeutic Innovation Networks


Small Molecules TIN Workshop: Drug Discovery Screening Capabilities in vivo

06 November 2020, 10:00 am–12:00 pm

small molecules event banner

The first Small Molecules TIN Seminar will look at two technology platforms available at UCL for in vivo screening of small molecules.

Event Information

Open to





Alina Shrourou


United Kingdom

In this interactive workshop series, the Small Molecules TIN (Chaired by Prof Matthew Todd) will look at two technology platforms available at UCL for in vivo screening of small molecules. The speakers will showcase successful collaborations in drug discovery and explain how their projects have been funded.

After the brief presentations of the capabilities of the platforms, attendees will be invited to ask questions and will be encouraged to discuss how these platforms might be incorporated into new or existing drug discovery initiatives.


  • Introduction - Prof Matthew Todd (School of Pharmacy, TIN co-chair).
  • Target-based and phenotypic drug screening in Caenorhabditis elegans - Prof David Sattelle (Respiratory Medicine).
  • Behavioural screening for neuroactive drugs in zebrafish - Dr Jason Rihel (Department of Cell and Developmental Biology).
  • High-throughput automated drug screening in live zebrafish to discover novel therapeutics for MDS and AML - Dr Beth Payne (Cancer Institute).
  • Discussion of Collaborative Possibilities in Drug Discovery including 15 minute breakout session (all).

Intended audience - UCL and external researchers (any level) in the area of small molecule drug discovery interested in the screening capabilities that exist in UCL, and whether these capabilities may reveal new potential applications for existing compounds or entirely new collaborative areas. We are also extending the invite to industry partners who may want to explore collaboration opportunities. In this workshop we are interested in trying to connect chemists with biologists to create new projects, so in addition to the short talks there will be brief periods of small group discussions.

This event is open to all (UCL and non-UCL).