Students write questions
Overview of how to design a digital learning activity in which students write questions.

29 April 2021
About this activity
Students create and submit questions to the class about what they would like to know more about a topic.
For example:
- about what they would like to know on a topic,
- to ask the lecturer or other students in order to assess their learning,
- or to demonstrate their learning, misconceptions, or areas they would like to further explore.
The class can work on these together in a session or use them to prepare for the next session.
Why use it
- Encourages reflection on learners’ gaps in their knowledge or understanding.
- If students write questions for their peers to answer it can deepen their own understanding and that of peers.
When to use it
- At start of class as revision
- At mid or end point to check on understanding
- Independent study task
Digital tools that might be used
- Hot Questions
- Discussion forums
- Chat
- Mentimeter
Speed of set up time
Creation of Moodle activity or Mentimeter presentation.
Other resources

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