
Teaching & Learning


Self-assessment targets

Overview of how to design an activity where students give themselves targets based on their self-assessment.

Cartoon image of a person with a thought bubble featuring an archery board and graphs.

29 April 2021

About this activity

Students give themselves targets based on their self-assessment.

These learning goals could be recorded somewhere and revisited (i.e. a learning diary or an e-portfolio).

They could be compared to the lecturer’s targets and the two brought to consensus if different.  

Why use it

  • Reflect on learning during a session or over a semester; 
  • They could be compared to the lecturer’s targets and the two brought to consensus if different; 
  • Enables staff to review and reflect on students’ perceptions of own development.

When to use it

  • Throughout a course, scaffolded into activities; 
  • End of a/each session;  
  • Checkpoints.

Digital tools that might be used

  • Reflect 
  • My Portfolio 
  • Moodle Wiki 
  • Moodle Discussion forum 

Speed of set up time 

Varies based on tool used.


  • Prepare rubrics/criteria;
  • Prepare or keep exemplars;
  • Familiarise and preparing students with the concepts and benefits;
  • Oversight of the output.

Other resources

  • Any type of shared document.

Cartoon image of two people with speech bubbles
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