
Teaching & Learning


Changes to the UCL Arena Fellowship Scheme

31 October 2024

The UCL Arena Fellowship Scheme has been reaccredited. The new scheme introduces minor changes: the deadline to submit to the previous scheme is Monday 2 December 2024 for Associate Fellowship and Fellowship, and Tuesday 25 March 2025 for Senior and Principal Fellowship.

staff collaborating on a project

The Arena Fellowship Scheme has awarded fellowship to almost 3,000 members of the UCL community since launching in 2014.

The scheme has now been re-accredited against the Professional Standards Framework 2023 which means that UCL Arena can continue to award fellowship on behalf of AdvanceHE.

The new scheme is now available through Moodle and the first applications will be accepted for the submission deadline on Monday 2 December 2024.

How will this affect current applications?

If you are finishing an application for Associate Fellowship and Fellowship under the old scheme, you can still submit until Monday 2 December 2024.

If you are finishing an application for Senior and Principal Fellowship under the old scheme, you can still submit until Tuesday 25 March 2025.

More information

Visit the Arena Fellowship page for more information or head to Moodle for details about the benefits and possibilities of fellowship. 

Fellowship can be awarded to anyone in UCL who makes the case that their efforts support student learning, whether it is a minor part of their role (Associate Fellowship), a core responsibility to teach (Fellowship), as an educational leader (Senior Fellowship) or for those providing strategic leadership (Principal Fellowship). 

You can also join us for an initial guidance session to discuss how to apply through UCL Arena.