PEP2: Consultation Period for UCL’s Curriculum Design Principles
4 December 2024
The consultation period to develop UCL's Curriculum Design Principles remains open, and we invite you to give feedback through our online feedback form.
The Programme Excellence Project (PEP) is a comprehensive review of UCL’s undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes, and one of UCL’s strategic priorities over the next five years. To support the next phase of the project, PEP2: Curriculum Review, we have drafted Curriculum Design Principles that will underpin the design and delivery of all UCL programmes. A consultation period is underway to gather feedback on the draft Principles and we invite you to share your views.
Review the Draft Curriculum Design Principles
The consultation period
Since the launch of the consultation period on 6 November, the PEP Team have hosted two roundtable events on Monday 18 November and Monday 2 December to discuss the draft Principles and hear feedback from academic and professional services colleagues across UCL. We have also engaged in conversations with faculties, HEDS, PEP governance, Education Committee and the Students’ Union. Focus groups have been held with undergraduate and postgraduate taught students to consider the student perspective of the draft Principles.
Submit your feedback about the Curriculum Design Principles
There is still time to engage and share your views. If you have been unable to attend an in-person roundtable event, please complete our online survey to share your thoughts on the draft Principles. The survey will remain open until 5pm on Monday 16 December.
We also welcome invitations to speak with faculty groups and committees about the draft Principles and gather further feedback.
What’s next?
Once the consultation period has ended, we will share a summary of the feedback and discussion which has taken place, and a final version of the Curriculum Design Principles will be taken to Education Committee in January.
The PEP Team is working with Education Services and other stakeholders to finalise the design of the Curriculum Review process and further updates will be provided detailing the next steps in preparing for the Curriculum Review and the support that will be available to departments and faculties in conducting their local review activities.
We would like to thank all members of the community who have engaged in developing the Curriculum Design Principles and for your continued support with PEP.