
Teaching & Learning


Centrally managed exams to be remote and open book in 2021/22

25 June 2021

Departments have until 9 July to request any necessary changes to 2021/22 module assessment methods. Faculty approval must be sought before any changes are submitted.

Centrally managed written exams will continue to be remote and online in the next academic year, in line with the agreed 2021/22 UCL Operating Model (Education Committee, 23 February). 

Education Committee agreed further detail on 10 June 2021: 

For all 2021/22 centrally managed exams:  

  • Exams will be remote and open book. 

  • Exams may be either 24 hour exams or timed exams, with all students starting at the same time (BST). 

  • Timed exams will have an upload window, the length of which is yet to be determined. The upload window will be added to the duration on AssessmentUCL. 

  • The examination timetable will display the time students have to write the exam. 

  • A task and finish group of Academic Regulations and Quality Assurance Sub-Committee is being established to make recommendations on the regulatory framework for online exams. 

Module Catalogue 

The method of assessment will be displayed in the module catalogue as Remote Online Exam.  - duration information will not be published to allow time for departments to agree the duration of exams following agreed outputs from the task and finish group. 

Late Changes to 2021/21 Assessments  

There is a short period for departments to make any necessary changes to module assessment for 2021/21. Please check with your Faculty when they need details from you so that they have time to consider and approve before you submit changes by the final deadline of 9 July. 

Where departments need to make any late changes to assessments, the Departmental Late Assessment Change Form Summer 2021  must be completed. The form needs be reviewed and approved by your faculty. Please check with your faculty when they need details from you so that they have time to consider and approve before you submit changes by the final deadline of 9 July. 

Once signed off by your faculty, the Late Change Assessment form should be submitted to the Student Records/Lifecycle Teams by midday 9 July

Please ensure that all fields are completed before submitting the form. Student Records/Lifecycle will not be able to process the form if your faculty’s approval is missing.  

Please note that late changes to next year’s assessments can only be requested for the following reasons:  

  • Where the current information in the UCL Module Catalogue/Portico for 2021/22 is incorrect;  

  • Where a change to assessment has been identified in response to the Summer Exam Boards. 

We aim to complete changes on SITS/Portico by 19 July.  After that date, the Module Catalogue will be refreshed to reflect any amendments. 

Confirmation of durations 

In November, the usual Curriculum Data Maintenance (CDM) task will be released to departments in which to confirm the actual duration of the exam to then be fed into the exam timetable. 


For queries about the Examinations Operating Model, please contact examinations@ucl.uk.   

For queries about late changes to assessments, please contact your Faculty Team.