Welcoming students to Term 2
2 December 2020
Many induction activities to be refreshed for January starters and returning students.

To support students starting their studies at UCL in January, as well as students returning to their studies after the winter break, many successful induction activities are being given a makeover and being rerun.
Countdown to UCL and Make the Most of UCL
To help our students find all the guidance and support they need, we’ll be running refreshed versions of our induction campaigns, Countdown to UCL and Make the Most of UCL.
The Countdown to UCL campaign will run with the same 15 themes as it did in September. However, the email campaign will be shortened to run over five issues. Each issue will host content for three themes (two items per theme with six items per email).
Below is a summary of the email campaign schedule:
Date | Issue no. | Contents include: |
7 Dec | 1 | Items related to Getting Ready, Money and Sustainability. |
14 Dec | 2 | Items related to Our Diverse Community, Students’ Union UCL and Love UCL. |
21 Dec | 3 | Items related to Health and Wellbeing, Accommodation and Staying Safe. |
28 Dec | 4 | Items related to Academic Life, Support Services and Skills and Opportunities. |
4 Jan | 5 | Items related to London Life, Campus Life and Settling In |
A mini version of Term 1’s Make the Most of UCL campaign will follow on from the Countdown to UCL. ‘Make the Most of UCL’ aims to foster a culture of active engagement and learning in undergraduate and postgraduate taught students. The team will issue one email on 11 January introducing the ‘Make the Most of UCL’ blog and featuring one item per theme from the original six-week campaign.
Students’ Union UCL will also host a feature event, ‘Make the Most of UCL Support Services in Term 2’ on Tuesday 12 January. The event will feature speakers and content from the first four themes: UCL Life, UCL Support and Advice Services, Your Academic Self, and UCL Careers and Alumni Relations. Students at the event will be invited to learn more about the two remaining themes (UCL Culture and London) on the Make the Most of UCL homepage.
Students’ Union UCL activities
The SU is planning to fill terms two and three with hundreds of different opportunities to take part in online and in-person club and society activity. UCL has provided additional funding to support the 350+ student groups, and the diverse activity programme.
After a hugely popular Digital Welcome Fair kicked off the year, clubs and societies have been running online, with some in-person activity in line with social distancing rules. For students in London, being able to get together with new mates and old friends has made this strange time a feel a little bit more normal and almost all the in-person activities that have happened this term have happened because of these student-led groups. From dance classes to bird walks, clubs and societies have created opportunities for students to do the things they love doing.
Exactly what in-person activity can take place in the new term is dependent on the restrictions set-out by the UK Government, but so far this year, student clubs and societies have proved to be resilient, adaptable and committed.
Find out what’s being planned for January onwards.
The Introductory Programme
With many students continuing to study remotely, we will renew promotion of UCL’s Introductory Programme to give students a feeling of place and belonging before they physically arrive at UCL.
The IP was developed as an online resource to offer new students an intellectually enriching introduction to degree-level study and UCL, and create a sense of place and belonging before they arrive.
The IP is a journey through a series of stories, images, videos and interactive activities under three themes: UCL Origins, Discovery at UCL and Global London. The online element of the programme centres on a number of ‘objects’ in and around UCL.
Feedback from some of the 9,000 students who have engaged with the IP since August tells us that, in amongst all the practical things that they have to do, the IP is powerful way for students to learn about UCL itself, reflect on their arrival at university, and to feel that they have a vital stake in its past, present and future.
Cocurricular activities
Building on strong student engagement with cocurricular activities throughout Term One, Careers, Volunteering, Innovation and Enterprise, UCL Culture and Student Partnerships will continue to offer a rich programme that helps students make the most of their time at UCL, and develop their networks, employability and skills, whilst making new friends.
Continued support for online learning
We continue to direct new and returning students to the Connected Learning at UCL course to help them get to grips with learning online. We will also continue to share case studies from UCL students and recent graduates offering practical hints and tips around how to approach their studies in a way that works for them. Fifth-year med student Alphie's video on staying motifivated is the first in a series of top tips videos from UCL students.
The Student Communications Editorial Board will continue to signpost students towards information about why we assess, what to do if illness or other unexpected disruption affects their assessments, the importance of academic integrity, as well as how to make the most of feedback. As term progresses, we’ll be working with faculties to support students to prepare for the main exam period.
Ongoing student wellbeing support
As in Term One, students will be able to quickly speak to a UCL Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) adviser through same-day appointments, booked through askUCL.
All the usual support will remain available, including access to counselling, reasonable adjustments for disabled students, mental health and wellbeing resources and much more. A summary of the services available can be accessed on the UCL Students website.
In addition, SSW has recruited a team of student ambassadors to offer peer-to-peer support over the phone, in their new ‘Keeping in Touch’ campaign. Ambassadors have been calling students throughout lockdown and will continue to do so over the winter break, until at least the end of January. The calls are informal supportive conversations, in which ambassadors check in on the student’s general wellbeing, offer tips and advice on maintaining positive physical and mental health, and signpost to any support needed.
Staff members are encouraged to also join the Student Health and Wellbeing Community of Practice and to look through SSW’s new ‘Information for staff’ pages if they regularly interact with students.
Virtual Common Rooms
Support will continue for Virtual Common Rooms to provide new and returning students with a student-led social space to connect with each other, the department and their programme of study.
This term, we shared staff and student guidance to help departments (and other groups) create easy to use online spaces in MS Teams.
We know that a sense of belonging and community is an even higher priority for our students this year. Early feedback shows students welcome opportunities like VCRs as useful way means of connecting, networking and building communities. The VCR project team are updating the guidance to reflect lessons learned this term and will continue to support departments to foster engagement with the common rooms.
This 5-minute video explains how the VCRs will work, the steps needed to allow ISD to set one up for you and how to engage students in the room.