Assessment@UCL platform testing to begin in January
15 December 2020
Implementing a new digital assessment platform to support online assessments.
UCL is excited to be partnering with our preferred supplier, Uniwise to start the testing and implementation of our new digital platform, Assessment@UCL.
Proof of concept and pilot
In January, colleagues from across UCL will start trialling the end-to-end functionality of the platform to ensure it will meet the needs of the majority of staff and students. Staff volunteering in this initial proof of concept phase will test a wide range of assessment methods. As part of the Proof of Concept, we will be ensuring that we will be testing as many different assessment methods as possible.
On successful completion of this stage and a subsequent procurement process, the project will move forward to a pilot and phase 1 implementation in February.
Phase 1 implementation
The pilot will test the authoring, feedback, marking, moderating and external examining functionality in the live environment with students who will be taking their assessments using the Assessment@UCL platform during the main examination period in April-June.
Concurrently, the project team will also be implementing phase 1 of the delivery of the platform as part of our COVID-19 response for the central examination period. Our approach will look and feel very similar to our 2019/2020 COVID-19 response. Examiners will continue to send their exams to the central exam team to be made available to students. A key difference, however, will be that students will complete their centrally managed exams within Assessment@UCL platform rather than Moodle. Once the assessments have been completed, markers can choose to either complete their marking and provide feedback in the same way as they did last year or use Assessment@UCL.
Please note: in phase 1, the COVID-19 response, there will be no grade integration with PORTICO. Grades will need to be manually inputted in the same way as last year.
Further information
For more information please visit our Assessment@UCL project webpages.