
Teaching & Learning


Jenny Marie is UCL’s first National Teaching Fellow

3 September 2018

Award recognizes outstanding work developing staff-student partnerships to enhance education at UCL.

Dr Jenny Marie

Dr Jenny Marie has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy in recognition of her outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education.

Jenny, who is Principal Teaching Fellow in the Arena Centre for Research-based Education, is the first person at UCL to have received the award.

Jenny has worked in academic development since 2005 and led UCL’s flagship student/staff partnership programme, UCL ChangeMakers, since 2015. In her time leading the programme, she has developed it from a small pilot of student-initiated projects into a large, strategic programme at UCL.

Professor Anthony Smith, Vice-Provost (Education and Student Affairs) said:

This recognition is richly deserved. Jenny has played a key role in developing the way we work in partnership with our students to make the education we offer even better.

Impact of work

Jenny has developed support for UCL departments with low student satisfaction, enabling them to work with students to enhance their practice. The department teaching team works with a student ‘ASER facilitator’ to gather and analyse student perspectives, which then inform their annual development plan and an enhancement project which is carried out in partnership with students. Find out how a UCL department improved assessment and feedback in partnership with students

She has also developed a scheme whereby students and staff work together to review teaching on a module and she has secured its place as an option for Peer Dialogue at the Institution.   

Jenny has worked on the HEFCE-funded REACT project, to enhance the inclusivity of student engagement schemes and is a member of the RAISE network’s committee. Jenny has also advised the Engineering faculty on the development of their world-leading Integrated Engineering Programme, particularly through collecting and analysing data on the student experience of the programme. Find out how staff-student partnerships help create radical engineering curriculum

She is also interested in Assessment and Feedback issues. Through the ChangeMakers scheme, she has supported students to develop guides to assessment and feedback and is currently piloting a new version of ‘Meet the Researcher’, which is designed to enhance students’ feedback literacy.

National Teaching Fellowship scheme

The National Teaching Fellowship scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. In 2018, the scheme opened to members of staff from all providers of higher education across the UK.  Each year, institutions can nominate up to three individuals. The award has been running since 2000 and there are now more than 815 National Teaching Fellows, with up to 55 individuals receiving the award each year.