Coaching Approaches for Supporting Students, 9 December 2024 [online]
09 December 2024, 10:00 am–12:00 pm

Delivered by UCL Arena Centre, this interactive workshop encourages participants to reflect on their different roles supporting students and how they can use coaching techniques to facilitate conversations and empower students. You will be introduced to the GROW model and goal setting, active listening and powerful questions.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
- Free
UCL Arena Centre+44 20 7907 4625
This event will take place online.Details and registration will be sent to you.______United Kingdom
Monday 9 December 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 [online]
This aim of this interactive workshop is to give you some simple tools that will help you adopt a coaching approach when interacting with students. The benefits of coaching include greater engagement, increased motivation, increased productivity, greater overall efficiency and sense of ownership. This will be a safe space where you can think about how you can create an environment that supports a coaching approach for your interactions with students. It will help you understand the benefits of assisting students in setting goals and taking control of the direction of their educational trajectory.
In this workshop we will:
- Consider the benefits of coaching techniques for supporting students
- Explore coaching approaches, benefits of coaching, and how to foster coaching environments
- Introduce some key models
- Encourage participants to reflect on their approaches to supporting students
Participants who have completed this course/session will be able to:
- Have a better understanding of how you can utilise coaching techniques in your various roles
- Learn how to facilitate a conversation using a coaching approach
- Be able to empower your students by engaging in goal setting and other coaching techniques such as active listening and powerful questioning
- Reflect on your current practices and how you could incorporate a coaching approach to give students greater autonomy and agency
- Recognise the benefits that coaching can bring in terms of student confidence, improved skills, trust and rapport
- Understand the boundaries of a coaching relationship and how it differs from mentoring and counselling
Who should attend
Any UCL staff who support students.