Plagiarism: assumptions, mindset and approaches 26 May (online)
26 May 2023, 10:00 am–11:15 am

Plagiarism is a thorny issue. Often it is portrayed as a trial of wits between sneaky students and embattled academics but the reality is lot more nuanced.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
- Free
UCL Arena Centre
This event will take place online.Details and registration will be sent to you.******United Kingdom
Friday 26th May 2023, 10:00 - 11:15 (online)
Why do students plagiarise? Is it always those that are struggling that are most likely to do it? Do we even agree on what plagiarism is? How effective are plagiarism detection tools? What additional ‘threats’ do essay mills and artificial intelligence promise? This session will provide some provocations and prompts for open discussion and opportunities to consider how we might challenge issues as well as our own thinking.
This workshop will:
Critically reflect on their own and colleagues’ perceptions and attitudes in relation to academic dishonesty, notably in relation to plagiarism
Suggest ways to minimise opportunities for plagiarism and to reconsider fixed definitions and practices
The course aims are to:
Disrupt conventional thinking but also to offer some practical ways we might adapt our thinking and practice to minimise plagiarism
Who should attend
Early career, mid career, education leaders. Any colleagues who design and mark assessment activities from programme level through to single sessions summatives through to formal formatives