
Teaching & Learning


Designing Assessments for Academic Integrity 17 Mar online

17 March 2023, 10:00 am–11:30 am


This workshop focusses on assessment design that promotes academic integrity through a proactive and creative response to new technological developments such as AI generator tools.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







UCL Arena Centre


This event will be online
Details of the Zoom link will be sent closer to the date.
United Kingdom

17 March 10pm-11.30am - online

The move to online assessments and recent advances in AI generator tools present both new opportunities and challenges for assessment.  How can we promote academic integrity through assessment design and at the same time provide future facing, relevant and motivating assessments for students?  This workshop will support you in: 

  • providing practical guidance on adapting current assessments to promote academic integrity 

  • exploring the implication of AI for assessment 

  • planning ahead for the next academic year 

  • signposting resources and toolkits on assessment design 

There will also be the opportunity to try out questions with AI responses and share ideas.  We can provide examples but feel free to bring along your own questions.   

Who should attend

Academic and professional staff involved in teaching, assessment and the support of learning.