
Teaching & Learning


Talk Teaching, Talk Tech: Mobile phones - f2f- 24 Jan

24 January 2022, 10:30 am–12:00 pm

computer screen showing online learners

Share views on and experiences of creating resources, using mobiles for teaching or encouraging students to use theirs over coffee and biscuits!

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff




UCL Arena Centre and Digital Education


Arena Room - UCL Arena Centre for Research-Based Education
10th Floor
1-19 Torrington Place
United Kingdom

Monday 24 Jan - 10.30am - 12.00pm

So much has changed in terms of what we understand about modalities and digital education and we are keen to capture and share colleagues’ thoughts, ideas and innovations in a range of ways. In addition to the more formal channels, the Digital Education and Arena teams will be running a regular series of informal sharing and discussion events. These will be a mix of themed in-person, online and hybrid events where the emphasis is not on presentation but talking, sharing or brainstorming ideas. Sessions may be experimental, speculative, discursive and/ or evaluative. Whether colleagues are experienced or complete novices, it is the coming together that is important. Whether you tend towards the sceptical or the evangelical or (more likely) sit somewhere between, you will be welcome.

In this session we want to discuss how mobile phones can be used- by students and those teaching them. We invite you to come and consider some ideas, try a few things for yourselves and share your own ideas. Included in the session will be: 

  •  Polling  
  • Text chat précis 
  • My TA is a QR code! 
  • Edupunk videos
  • Digital flashcards revision tool 

If you can, please bring your own smart phone.