
Teaching & Learning


Gaining Fellowship for Professional Services: introduction to HEA Recognition 6 May

06 May 2020, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

UCL Arena event image for Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) professional services

Delivered by the UCL Arena Centre, this informal session introduces the UCL Arena Higher Education Academy Awards, UK Professional Standards Framework and Fellowship Descriptors for Professional Services Staff.

Event Information

Open to

All | UCL staff




UCL Arena Centre


Arena Room, 10th Floor
1-19 Torrington Place, London
United Kingdom

Wednesday 06 May 12:00 - 13:00 

During this workshop, you will hear about the benefits of applying for UCL Arena/HEA Fellowship and what the application process involves.  

You'll start planning your application, whilst UCL Arena experts are on hand to provide you with dedicated support.  

You can join the ‘Developing your application workshop for Professional Services’, once you’ve completed this session. 

After attending this session you will 

  • understand the benefits of gaining professional recognition
  • understand the application process
  • formulate ideas on how to develop your application

Who should attend 

Open to all Professional Services staff, if you teach or support students' learning, including: 

  • Teaching Administrator
  • Lab Technicians
  • ISD/Digital Education
  • Departmental Administrators and;
  • Registry staff.  

Presenter Information

This session is delivered by UCL Arena Centre's, Sandra Lusk (AFHEA) and UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health's, Leigh Kilpert (FHEA).  Sandra has over five years experience in higher education, supporting staff-student projects, which aim to innovate, enhance or improve the learning experience.  Leigh, is currently the Education Administrative Manager at ICH and has a wealth of experience by in the higher education institutions overseas.