


Useful links

Some useful links that may be of use to the UCL-TB community. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please contact tb@ucl.ac.uk.

UCL / UCL-TB Partner Institutions & Organizations

NameFurther information

African Health Research Institute (AHRI)


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) TB page


FIND (Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics)


The Francis Crick Institute


North Central London TB Network


NTM Network UK


NTM Patient Care UK


UCLpartnersA partnership of world-leading academic and clinical research centres, NHS organisations, industry, patients and others, that aims to harness research and innovation for excellent patient care and a healthier populatio
UK Academics & Professionals to End TB 

Other Institutions & Organizations

Public Health England 


An international network of paediatricians promoting clinical orientated research  in the field of childhood tuberculosis by sharing and developing ideas and research protocols

RESULTS UKAdvocacy to end poverty
SORT IT (Structured Operational Research and Training IniTiative) 
Stop TB PartnershipAn international body to end TB, with 1700 partners
StopTB New Diagnostics Working Group (NDWG) 
TB.PPM Learning NetworkEngaging private providers in ending TB
TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases 
WHO Europe 
WHO Global TB Programme 

TB Data Sharing Platforms

WHO-UCL TB-IPDThe most up-to-date information on clinical trials, operational research and other studies on TB and MDR-TB
TB-PACTS (Critical Path Institute) 
TB Portals program (NIAID) 

Useful Resources

WHO TB Research trackerThe most up-to-date information on clinical trials, operational research and other studies on TB and MDR-TB
Mycobacteria Protocols 2021Highly detailed laboratory protocols for TB-related research, free to download for institutions with Springer subscriptions
UCL research world map