DNA sequencing in LMICs workshop and resources: Oxford Nanopore sequencing for tuberculosis. https://pandora.tghn.org/training/oxford-nanopore-sequencing-tuberculosis/. This workshop took place 22-25th August 2022 at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) at Muhimbili, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It was jointly run by UCL and NIMR. The aim of the workshop was to provide theoretical and practical training for all of the steps in the tuberculosis Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing pipeline, from CTAB DNA extraction, DNA quantification best practice, library preparation and setting up a sequencing run, and analysing sequencing data. The workshop was run using a combination of theoretical, laboratory and bioinformatic sessions, with discussion and Q&A sessions throughout the workshop. The website includes links to the presentations and workshop handbook, how to set up a sequencing laboratory (aimed at resource constrained laboratories), how to learn sequencing bioinformatics, and tutorial videos on ONT sequencing. The UCL team were Linzy Elton and Sylvia Rofael from the UCL Centre for Clinical Microbiology.
(North London) TB Journal Club
What was the North London TB Journal Club - and is now simply the TB Journal Club - meets monthly. It is organised by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University College London, the MRC Clinical Trials Unit and Médecins Sans Frontières' Manson Unit. Colleagues from associated institutions are more than welcome to participate. Read more
ZeNix and SimpliciTB Clinical Trial Laboratory Manuals
NiX-TB Clinical Trial Laboratory Manual
– covers all procedures performed at local laboratories and the UCL CCM Central LaboratorySTAND Clinical Trial Laboratory Manuals
UCL and TB Alliance are making publicly available the mycobacteriology laboratory manuals for two past clinical trials, NC-005, a phase 2b clinical trial which includes quantitative mycobacteriology, and STAND, a phase 3 clinical trial. The STAND study has three separate manuals, a master manual which covers all laboratory procedures, a quality manual which provides forms for the recording of data, and a site manual which covers site-level procedures like processing of sputum samples. The NC-005 manual covers quantitative mycobacteriology procedures which are not covered in the STAND manual. The goal of making these manuals publicly available is to provide a useable template for other TB clinical trial organizations creating their own mycolaboratory manuals, as well as to facilitate comparison of procedures being employed across the field.
The following Lab Manuals are available for download:
- - covers all procedures performed at local laboratories and the UCL CCM Central Laboratory
- STAND "Quality" Manual - covers forms for the recording of data
- STAND "Site" Manual - covers site-level procedures like processing of sputum samples.
- NC-005 Manual - covers additional quantitative mycobacteriology procedures
Click the following for more info on:
Book: Tuberculosis - Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology, No. 21: Laboratory Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies

It shows how the challenge of tuberculosis is currently being met, providing insight into the evidence base underlying new developments in diagnosis, drug development and treatment.
Buy from amazon (opens new window)
Detect and Prevent Workshop
A UCL/Tanzania multi-agency joint participatory workshop was held in June 2016. Download the report