These are some examples of research programmes we were part of, that have finished. Nix-TB PreDiCT-TBThe Innovative Medicines Intiative (IMI) has funded the PreDiCT-TB consortium to determine and validate improved methods for pre-clinical drug discovery and development. This will be achieved by integrating multiple in vitro and in vivo models to predict the efficacy of different drug combinations against TB in an aim to identify an optimized decision pathway for the best combination regimens to progress into clinical trials. STANDThe STAND trial tests the first regimen designed to significantly shorten and simplify the treatment of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB and is a joint project carried out in conjunction with UCL and the TB Alliance. STREAM 1This project is investigating a standardised treatment regimen of drugs to treat patients with Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The aim of this investigation is to show that a shorter, 9-month treatment is at least as effective as the current regimen used throughout the world.