Our 2020 World TB Day programme
Here is the programme of the symposium-that-was-to-be:
Read it online here
Please note that all times and talk titles are subject to change
08:30 Registration and coffee
09:10 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Professor Michael Arthur, President & Provost, UCL
Professor Anne Mills, Deputy Director and Provost, LSHTM
09:30 Session 1: Voices from the Front Line: Patient, Healthcare Provider, and Policy Maker Perspectives
Chair: Dr Toyin Togun (LSHTM)
Dr Virginia Bond (LSHTM) How do social and economic factors, and stigma, affect the timeliness of diagnosis and treatment adherence in Zambia?
Dr Mishal Khan (LSHTM) How can we motivate community health workers and private healthcare providers to engage more actively in managing TB?
Ms Jacqui White (UCL) TB into the 21st Century – more than just medicine
Dr Sedona Sweeney (LSHTM) Value TB – costs of rolling out TB services in 5 high burden countries
Professor Marc Lipman (UCL) IMPACT: patient experience across the UK
Panel discussion and Q&A
10:50 Coffee break (with Voices from the Front Line videos and posters)
11:20 Session 2: How to Find the Missing Millions?
Chair: Dr Katharina Kranzer (LSHTM)
Dr Kwame Shanaube (ZAMBART) Four years of active case finding as part of delivering the PoPART trial in Zambia and SA
Dr Palwasha Khan (LSHTM) TB diagnosis using Xpert Ultra and culture in the “Zero-TB Karachi (Pakistan)” project – successes, challenges, and lessons learned
Dr Katherine Fielding (LSHTM) Closing the gap between diagnosed and incident TB with a system for 1-day diagnosis in Uganda
Dr Lara Goscè (UCL) E-DETECT TB in Romania
Panel discussion and Q&A
12:40 Lunch break (with Voices from the Front Line videos and posters)
13:40 Session 3: Redefining Latency
Chair: Professor Mahdad Noursadeghi (UCL) Introduction
Dr Hanif Esmail (UCL) Not active Not latent: Challenges and possibilities of identifying bacteriologically negative disease
Dr Pranab Haldar (University of Leicester) Diagnosing early TB in a low burden setting
Professor Anne O’Garra (The Crick Institute) The host transcriptome in TB
Professor Helen Fletcher (LSHTM) The future of TB vaccines
Panel discussion and Q&A
15:00 Coffee break (with Voices from the Front Line videos and posters)
15:30 Link up with University of California, San Francisco (more information on the UCSF programme / registration)
15:50 Session 4: Accelerating Drug Discovery & Development
Chair: Dr Dimitrios Evangelopoulos (UCL)
Dr Nick Furnham (LSHTM) Understanding the molecular consequences of mutations associated with drug resistance in TB for future drug development
Dr Luiz Carvalho (The Crick Institute) M. tuberculosis metabolism and novel antibiotic strategies
Professor Sanjib Bhakta (Birkbeck, University of London) Repurposing pain-killers: new approaches to an ancient disease
Dr Anil Koul (LSHTM) Discovery and development of Bedaquiline for treatment of drug resistant tuberculosis - role of innovation in global public health
Dr Angela Crook (UCL) A new regimen for XDR-TB - Results of the Nix-TB trial
Panel discussion and Q&A
17:10 Special guest: Zolelwa Sifumba (South Africa) - clinician, MDR-TB patient, activist
17:20 Summary and close (Professor Beate Kampmann, LSHTM)
17:30-19:00 Drinks reception (with piano music from composers and singers affected by TB)
We are delighted that this event is sponsored by the following companies and organisations actively contributing to the control of TB, and working in partnership with researchers and control teams: Cepheid, FIND, Insmed and Oxford Immunotec.