Ronald Aylmer Fisher

  • One of the three architects of the "Modern Synthesis" in evolutionary biology
  • Major theoretical population geneticist
  • Major statistician

The photograph (left) shows the window in the Hall of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University, erected in Fisher's honour ca. 1990. Top left: a pane commemorating John Venn (and his Venn diagrams). Bottom left: a pane depicting Fisher's latin square experimental design.

On 26 June 2020, Gonville & Caius College issued this statement "The College is now aware of the views and actions of R.A. Fisher [i.e. his support of the eugenics movement] ... The College Council was clear that it should no longer honour Fisher the man with a window, which causes such broad offence." By 29 July 2020 the Fisher window (or "roundel") had been removed (right).          

Fisher (1930): on species and parapatric speciation

The RA Fisher Digital Archive
A Guide to RA Fisher

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