Hybrid between Heliconius hecale zeus and H. elevatus perchlorus
© Andrew V.Z. Brower

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No:                      16
Genus of species 1:      Heliconius
Species 1:               hecale
Subspecies of species 1: zeus
Genus of species 2:      Heliconius
Species 2:               elevatus
Subspecies of species 2: perchlorus
Sex:                     m
Country:                 Bolivia
Locality:                Chaparé: Todos Santos
Year:                    1969
Photo no.:               hecele03
Named hybrid:
Collection:              Wien
Collector:               H. Holzinger
Notes:                   F1? Andrew Brower (pers. comm., 1 July 2000): 'I think it is pretty clearly hecale x elevatus'

Last updated: 18 October 2003