Systems Engineers and Project Managers need to work closely together to achieve success in complex systems engineering projects. Although they have distinct responsibilities, there are many areas where their responsibilities overlap.
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This course will be particularly relevant to anyone involved in a systems project, or working in a systems engineering business including:
Contact Simon Jackson on +44 (0)1483 204 100 |
The course is run in London on the UCL campus The day runs from 09:15 to 16:45 Normal cost is £1125 Early bird rate of £955 available when booked by the 11th February |
This course provides an introduction to the management of systems engineering projects with a particular focus on the overlap between systems engineering and project management.
The course is delivered as a combination of interactive taught sessions and group exercises. Each attendee will be provided with a hard copy of the taught material.
This course will be led by Simon Jackson. Simon has significant practical experience of project management and has been lecturing in the subject for the last ten years. He spent 20 years working in the defence industry at Rolls-Royce and British Aerospace.