
Sustainable UCL


Student Sustainability Forum: UCL Sustainability Plan and SU Sustainability Council

27 February 2025, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm

Man holding a megaphone saying change possible

Are you passionate about sustainability and to find out how you can make a difference at UCL? Here's your chance! Join us for the Term 2 Student Sustainability Forum, where you will hear an introduction to the new UCL Sustainability Plan 2024-34, and hear about how to get involved with the new SU Sustainability Council.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL students






Dan Hall – Sustainable UCL


Ground Floor Collaboration Space
Bidborough Street
United Kingdom

Are you passionate about sustainability and want your voice heard at UCL? Here's your chance!

Join us for the Term 2 Student Sustainability Forum, where you will hear an introduction to the new UCL Sustainability Plan 2024-34, and hear about how to get involved with the new SU Sustainability Council.

The event will be facilitated by Goksu Danaci, your Students' Union UCL President, and Alan, SU Sustainability Officer.

Are you eager about UCL's new institutional Sustainability Plan? Do you want to find out how student feedback last year was implemented? Are you keen to learn more about the new SU Sustainability Council? Join us to find out how you can make sustainable change at UCL!


  • An introduction to the UCL Sustainability Plan 2024-2034 - Sustainable UCL
  • Presentation on the SU Sustainability Council - Alan, Sustainability Officer, Students' Union UCL
  • Small group discussions

Please note this event is in-person only, to facilitate meaningful discussions between our staff and students. You don't have to know anything about sustainability to take part - it's free and open to all!

Light refreshments be provided. Please ensure you book a free ticket to secure your spot!