
Sustainable UCL


Green Impact Launch 2020-2021

29 October 2020, 12:05 pm–12:55 pm

Groups of Green Champions smiling into the camera

Join us over a virtual coffee or cup of tea to find out about Green Impact - UCL's sustainability behaviour change programme for staff!

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff




Sustainable UCL – Sustainable UCL

Green Impact is now live for the 2020-21 period, and all departments and divisions are invited to get involved! Join our event to discover how this programme can bring departments and divisions together to improve environmental impact, save money, and boost employability.  

Break big changes down into simple steps

Green Impact helps by translating environmental goals into simple, bite-size actions. These are set out in an online workbook that makes this easy, more participatory and more fun. And UCL's Sustainability Team is on hand to provide help, every step of the way. 

Build on your successes

Last year, an incredible 60 teams took part in the programme, from engineering and languages, to the careers service and libraries. Teams ran some amazing projects; saving resources, carbon, money and energy. And this year, UCL is aiming for all departments and divisions to take part!

Engage students

Students are a vital part of Green Impact. When it comes to auditing departments at the end of the year, the Sustainability Team recruits students and provides them with IEMA-recognised training to help them do this. Throughout the year, you can work with a Student Sustainability Ambassador. Find out what kind of support ambassadors can provide here. You have until 2 November to apply via this form for a Student Sustainability Ambassador to help you complete your workbook. We will also discuss the Student Sustainability Ambassadors at the launch.

Find out more and get involved

Green Impact runs from November 2020 to June 2021. You can find out about the programme here, or just join us for the launch event! The meeting will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and you will receive a meeting link two days before the event. 

We want everybody to feel welcome and comfortable to fully engage at our events. Please find the guidelines for participants and the accessibility measures we have put in place in this guide:

Please contact c.morfeo@ucl.ac.uk if we can provide any other accessibility measures.