
Sustainable UCL


Virtual Workshop - Sustainability in Remote Working

02 April 2020, 2:00 pm–3:00 pm

Image of Sustainability Awards

Grace Corn from SOS-UK will be joining us, via Teams, to help us navigate our way to the Green Impact finish line and workshop how we can continue to work towards a sustainable future remotely. 

Event Information

Open to



Sustainable UCL

For those who are unfamiliar with Green Impact, it is UCL’s environmental accreditation programme that ensures departments are run sustainably.

With the foreseeable closure of UCL, improving the sustainability of your departments might seem paradoxical but we've been discovering sustainable opportunities in remote working. With more people shopping locally, reconnecting with nature and travelling less, we see this period as an opportunity to communicate the benefits of sustainability and to support our community in this transitional period. Furthermore, IF we are able to, we can use this time to plan for when we are back on campus, to create initiatives which will maintain the momentum of sharing resources, consuming and travelling less and community support.

Many of the Green Impact goals can be adapted to remote working:

  • Running a wellbeing activity - meet via Teams over lunch to compare local birds, or ask staff and students to share their nature sightings via departmental communication channels;
  • Energy saving initiatives - with staff and students feeling anxious and adrift, why not showcase how to make small positive changes like switching to renewable energy, or help staff and students save money by sharing tips on how to reduce energy at home?
  • Virtual connectivity - whilst our limited mobility is a necessity in this situation, it has revealed the numerous possibilities of remote collaboration, virtual conferencing and sharing of resources.

We appreciate that many of you will not be able to work on Green Impact during this period, but we hope that for those of you who can, you will join us for this workshop.

We will be encouraging you to share your ideas as collaboration and resource sharing are key to adapting to our current situation

Please email Katie Robinson to attend.

This workshop will be recorded for the purposes of sharing with Sustainable UCL and SOS-UK stakeholders for further learning.

About the Speaker

Grace Corn


Grace is UCL's Green Impact Project Manager and has been working with us tirelessly in training students, updating our records and offering continuous support and advice.