
Sustainable UCL


Sustainable Crafternoon & Repair Cafe

09 December 2019, 12:00 pm–4:00 pm

Students sewing on buttons and fixing holes in trousers

Do you love Christmas but are concerned about all that wrapping paper, tinsel, extra packaging, plastic oddities in Christmas crackers, etc., etc.? Us too. Which is why we are holding a festive crafternoon to show you how you can make beautiful and fun decorations, for the office and home!

Event Information

Open to



Katie Robinson


North Cloisters
Gower Street

Not only can we reuse and reinvent objects but we can ebb the flow of consumption around the holidays using things that we all have lying around that were likely destined for the bin. Bring along those things that you don't want to waste and we can make something fun and festive from them. Things such as;

  • Old Christmas Cards
  • Items of unwanted clothing that you want to transform into something else
  • Cardboard
  • And we could always use more scissors, tape and staplers!

Supplies will be provided though so this workshop is entirely free meaning you can save money too!

We can make wall and tree decorations, paper chains and snowflakes, stars and gift wrapping alternatives. The ideas are as limitless as our imaginations! There will also be tea and coffee but bring your own reusable cup as we won't have any disposables, not today Santa!

The crafternooning will be combined with a Clothes Repair Cafe which will be much like the one we ran during Sustainability Week. Bring along any item of clothing that needs stitching up, is missing buttons, or needs tailoring and we can help. Or, feel free to just sit and chat with us on all things sustainable.