Solar paneled buildings
We have been squeezing solar panels in wherever we can and in 2019 we generated 69,750kWh from our onsite solar panels! That's 1,860,000 cups of tea!

1 August 2019
Buying renewable electricity helps to stimulate the renewable energy market and it is hoped that this will lead to more renewable energy generation in the future.
As a city centre campus, we are limited by the amount of renewable energy we can generate on campus. However, we can make use of solar panels.
Each unit of electricity that we buy is backed by an externally verified Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificate.
Solar-paneled buildings at UCL
- Central House (14 panels, annual saving of 3150kWh)
- John Dodgson (24 panels, annual saving of 5,400kWh)
- Bentham House (36 panels, annual saving of 10,800kWh)
- Archaeology (45 panels, annual saving of 13,500kWh)
- 22 Gordon Street (48 panels, annual saving of 14,400kWh)
- Langton Close (96 panels, annual saving of 27,000kWh), see live power generation
- Student Centre (150 panels, annual saving of 45,000kWh), see live power generation