


Pornography addiction

This page covers the definitions of pornography addiction, as well as the support and resources available to you.

What is pornography addiction?

Pornography addiction is an addictive behaviour defined by compulsive access and viewing of pornographic material. This includes both physical and internet pornography.

Problematic pornography viewing can involve excessive viewing or accessing pornography despite any negative consequences on your personal life. Viewing pornography to avoid negative emotions, but feeling unable to stop, may indicate a pornography addiction. 

Overconsumption of pornography can result in psychological cravings and compulsions to access porn as a coping mechanism. The short-term and long-term risks of porn addiction disorder include, but are not limited to:

  • Depression and poor mental health.
  • Social isolation.
  • Dopamine addiction and weakened executive function.
  • Financial problems.
  • Procrastination and decreased productivity.
  • Poor academic or work performance. 
  • Loss of career or education.
  • Desensitisation and dysphoria.
  • Sexual dysfunction. 

Resources and support

If you are experiencing problems relating to pornography addiction, or know someone who is, please remember that you are not alone. You can access free and confidential support at UCL as a registered student. Our empathetic team can support you to find the best treatment method for your needs.

There are also a number of services and websites that can help you better understand and cope with pornography addiction.

Sex Addicts Anonymous

Sex Addicts Anonymous is a peer-led fellowship. The organisation host regular group meetings in local communities to support recovery from harmful sexual behaviours.

Use the SAA meeting search tool to find a meeting online, by telephone or in-person in your local area.

You can contact the organisation by phone by calling 07585 091502 or 07748 168164. You can email the team at info@saauk.info.

For women preferring to contact a woman, call 07766 075247 or email women@saauk.info.

For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ (LBGTQ+) people preferring to contact an LGBTQ+ person, call 07825 147995 or email lgbtq@saauk.info.


Relate is a charity providing relationship support in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Read the Relate webpage on porn addiction for guidance on the causes of porn addiction and the support options available to you. 

The Mix

The Mix is a digital charity offering non-judgemental support to 13-25 year olds on issues relating to mental health, sex and relationships, drugs, careers and money. The Mix website offers a wide range of articles and advice pages on issues relating to pornography. 

You can contact The Mix team to access their crisis messenger service or counselling services.

Visit The Mix website for further guidance and support resources.

Rehab 4 Addiction

Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction.

Rehab 4 Addiction works closely with rehabilitation centres and outpatient clinics throughout the United Kingdom, and the admissions team matches a patients’ addiction with an appropriately placed rehabilitation centre. They offer rehabilitation centres patient referrals and always prioritise the needs of the specific patient when doing so. They maintain a substantial network of rehabilitation centres throughout the United Kingdom, including private rehabilitation centres and the NHS.

You can call Rehab 4 Addiction to make an enquiry on +44 (0)800 140 4690. 

Visit the Rehab 4 Addiction website.