


Physical health support

It is vitally important to look after your health while you are studying at UCL. You should ensure that you are registered with a doctor (GP) and are aware of the many confidential health care services available to you.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwq59Sry3H8

Emergency medical support

Student Support and Wellbeing Services does not offer emergency support. If you or someone else needs urgent medical assistance:

  • Go directly to the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department of your local hospital.
  • Call 999 to request an ambulance if you are unable to reach the hospital yourself.

Non-emergency medical support

If you would like to speak to a doctor about your symptoms or a pre-existing health condition:

  • Contact your GP surgery to request an appointment.
  • If your GP surgery isn't open, call 111 for free out-of-hours NHS medical support.

Register with a doctor (GP)

Woman with a male doctor

Your doctor (GP, or General Practitioner) is your first point of contact for any physical and mental health concerns.

Guide to health services

Optometrists with female patients

From emergency contacts and A&E, to sexual health, dental and eye care, you can access many NHS services.


Female doctor preparing a vaccination

Students are more at risk of certain illnesses, so it is crucial that you receive the relevant vaccinations.

Bloomsbury Campus interactive health map

View of UCL Front Quad and UCLH

Find the health and wellbeing services located near the UCL Bloomsbury Campus.

UCL East Campus interactive health map

Image of river and Olympic tower at the UCL East Campus

Find the health and wellbeing services located near the UCL East Campus.

Free menstrual products

Image of two students talking over their laptops in the Student Centre on Main Campus, Bloomsbury

Learn how you can access free menstrual products on campus.