


Personal safety

The Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Office are on hand to provide advice on safety matters such as online safety, avoiding frauds, spotting scams and keeping yourself and your belongings safe in London. You can also find information on who to contact in an emergency.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGyPgysgVf0

Email the Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Team

UCL Security support

In an emergency, call +44 (0)20 7679 2222. You can also contact UCL's Security team direct from your phone with the SafeZone app.

For non-emergency support, call +44 (​​​​​​0)20 7679 2108. You will speak to the Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Office.

You can visit the UCL Security team on the ground floor of Foster Court on Malet Place, opposite the Petrie Museum. 

Crisis support 

  • Go directly to the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department of your local hospital.
  • Call 999 to request an ambulance if you are unable to reach the hospital yourself.

Emergency contacts


Emergency contacts and information on how to report a crime.

SafeZone app

SafeZone app

Download the UCL SafeZone app to make it easier for you to contact UCL Security in an emergency.

Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Office

Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Office

The office provides support, advice and information to keep you safe in London.

Report + Support

Report + Support logo

Report harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct and find support information.

Fraud and scams

Woman on laptop in the Print Room Cafe

Information on how to avoid scams and frauds, including how to stay safe online. 

Safety in London

Safety in London

Information on staying safe in London and around campus.

Support and information on drink spiking

Drink spiking is a serious criminal offence which can sometimes coincide with incidents of sexual assault, harassment and/or misconduct.

As of 2025, spiking will carry its own legislation in a new separate law to increase the reporting of spiking, provide special training for hospitality staff and pose a stronger deterrent to violence against women and girls. 

Please read our article 'Staying safe against drink spiking: Support and information' to learn about the definitions, symptoms, legislation and consequences of drink spiking. This article also explains the support available for victims of spiking at UCL and with our external partners.