Self-help books for coping with abuse. All these titles are available to borrow from our library. We've added a link to the Amazon description to help you understand what each book covers.
- Breaking Free: Help for survivors of child sexual abuse (Carol Ainscough & Kay Toon)
- The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity On the Job (Gary Naimie, PhD & Ruth Naimie, PhD)
- Bullying At Work: How to confront and overcome it (Andrea Adams with Neil Crawford)
- Courage to Heal, The: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, The (Ellen Bass & Laura Davis)
- Helping Teens Who Cut: Understanding an ending self-injury (Michael Hollander, PhD)
- Invisible Wounds. A self-help guide for women in destructive Relationships (Kay Douglas)
- The Making of Them: The British Attitude to Children and the Boarding School System (Nick Duffell)
- My Father's House: A Memoir of Incest and Healing (Sylvia Fraser)
- The Scarred Soul: Understanding & ending self-inflicted violence (Tracy Alderman)
- Self-Harm. The Path to Recovery (Dr. Kate Middleton and Sara Garvie)
- Surviving Secrets: Experience of Abuse for the Child, the Adult and the Helper (Moira Walker)
- Trauma and Recovery: From domestic abuse to Political Terror (Judith Lewis Herman)
- Victims No Longer: The classic guide for men recovering from sexual child abuse (Mike Lew)