


Cat Steele

Scroll down for more information about events and to learn about me.

Caitlin Student Adviser

What I do

Hi, I’m Cat. I am the Student Adviser for Economics and I am here for you as a key point of contact during the first year of your undergraduate studies. 

I am available to discuss any wellbeing, support and student experience matters.

Contact me via askUCL

Book an appointment

Who am I?

About Cat

What was your experience of Further/Higher Education?

My experience of Higher Education was a real upward trajectory - I struggled massively with homesickness and loneliness in my first year, and because I thought I was going to love university from the offset, it made the transition harder. I didn't know how to talk to people about how I was feeling, because it was completely different to my expectations.

I was so pleased when I opened up to my peers and support network to find I wasn't the only one struggling, and my vulnerability helped me form some of my closest friendships. Three years later, I didn't want to leave!

What do you like most about your work as a Student Adviser?

University can feel like an incredibly overwhelming place, but it is also such an exciting time, and having the opportunity to be a part of students' journeys is a real privilege. I still fondly remember all the people who helped me through my university journey, and it is an honour to play that role (however big or small) in someone's else's adventure!

As a Student Adviser, you are constantly meeting such a variety of people, which means you are always learning something new, and it is rewarding to feel you are supporting others whilst still growing yourself.

What's a surprising or interesting fact about yourself?

I only have one kidney - the unexpected perk of a relatively major operation at age 8 is that I am at least set up with an answer to this question!


Working within Student Support and Wellbeing Services, we will be hosting a range of events and activities during term time to support your Social bonding, Skills for life, and Wellbeing at university. Explore the workshops and activities you can join throughout the academic year listed below, then click the event hyperlink to reserve your place.

Term 1: September - December 2024

More information coming soon.

Term 2: January - March 2025

As part of the Support and Wellbeing Services Exam Season Toolkit, your SHS Student Adviser presents: Rest Revise Repeat!  If you've been feeling stressed, and in need of a break, unsure where to start with your revision, or just in the mood for some self-care, then this is the event for you.

There will be free snacks and drinks, some colouring to help you relax, tote bags to decorate and take home, temporary tattoos to mess around with, revision and studying advice and lots more!

See you there!

Your  Student Advisers

Find more 'Exam Season Toolkit' events on the SSWS Events webpage.

Term 3: April - June 2025

More information coming soon.