Trusted Contact Policy
This policy outlines UCL’s trusted contact information for students. A trusted contact is like a next of kin. You can update your trusted contact at any time whilst you’re registered at UCL.
What is a Trusted Contact?
A trusted contact is like your next of kin. They are the person we would contact if there was a serious concern about your welfare. Examples of this could be:
- Reports that you are missing
- Serious physical illness or injury
- Your mental health is deteriorating, or you are experiencing a mental health crisis
- Admittance to hospital
- Reports of risky and unwanted behaviours that can cause serious harm
- That you are not engaging with your department or professional support and there is a known risk or serious concern to your health or safety
- That you are not engaging with your department or professional support, and your absence is unexplained, even though they've attempted to contact you on the phone and by email on multiple occasions.
Appointing a trusted contact allows UCL to establish a support network. UCL will always consider the impact of contacting your trusted contact. Where possible, we will consult with you on this decision. On certain occasions, it may be necessary for us to share information with a trusted contact. This will only happen without your consent if it is in your best and/or vital interest to do so.
In the absence of consent, a UCL staff member such as a Faculty Tutor, Departmental Tutor or the Student Student and Wellbeing Team will then decide who to share your information with. These considered decisions may also include contacting a third party. For example, if we cannot contact your next of kin, we may contact your GP or mental health services. This approach to information sharing aligns with UUK, ICO and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) guidance. The guidance permits such disclosures if it is necessary and proportionate to reduce the risk of serious harm.
Who can I appoint as my Trusted Contact?
You can appoint anyone over the age of 18. Like a next of kin, we recommend a parent, sibling, spouse or close friend who can support you. You may prefer to have different trusted contacts for specific circumstances. In this case, you can have more than one trusted contact.
UCL will only reach out to your trusted contact when there is a serious concern about your health and safety. It is important to keep these contact details up to date on your Portico. Please make your trusted contact aware that you have appointed them. If your trusted contact is not proficient in English, please provide details of their preferred language. We can arrange translators if required.
How do I update my Trusted Contacts?
You can update your Trusted contact via Portico:
- Log in to Portico
- Select Update my Trusted Contact
- Click ‘Add Trusted Contact’
Fill in their:
- Name
- Relationship to you
- Email address
- Home address
- Phone number
- Language preferences
All students at UCL must provide details for at least one trusted contact. It is important to keep your trusted contact list up to date. You can update your trusted contact at any time whilst you’re registered at UCL. UCL archives any trusted contact details on your student record system. This aligns with UCL’s data retention schedule.
UCL Student Support and Wellbeing Services can also update your trusted contact details on Portico on your behalf. You will receive an email confirming any updates that have been made.
Last updated: Monday, May 15, 2023